Dioklecijanova palača, Split
Objekt kulturne dediščine je bil poskeniran za namen pridobitve podatka o obliki in dimenzijah....
Termografski posnetek sončne elektrarne
Z uporabo drona in nanj pritrjene termokamere smo prekontrolirali anomalije na celicah modulov sončne elektrarne....
3D skeniranje ventilacijske fasade
Betonska podkonstrukcija je bila skenirana za namen načrtovanja sekundarne ventilacijske fasade. Naročnik je prejel CAD model obstoječega stanja....
3D skeniranje jahte
Interier jahte je bil skeniran za namen rekonstrukcije in dizajniranja notranje opreme. Izdelan je bil CAD model dejanskega stanja....
Skeniranje in analiza daljnovodov
Transmission line has been scanned to obtain geometrical parameters for further monitoring purposes. Because of relative long distances Z+F Imager 5010 laser scanner...
Mechanical plant 3D Scan2CAD
Industrial complex was 3D scanned and CAD modeled with hi level of detail....
Substations Scan2BIM
El. substations were 3D scanned for As Built modelling purposes. 3D models were created for further BIM integration. Projects were conducted withe C&G...
Footbridges 3D survey
Footbridges was 3D scanned for 3D site survey plan and renovation purposes. Survey data was 3D modeled and transformed in required coordinate system....
GIS 3D scanning
GIS (Gas Insulated Switchgear) infrastructure (interior/exterior) has been 3D scanned for As Built Documentation and BIM integration purposes. Complete infrastructure 3D CAD model...
Reactor 3D scan
Building interior & exterior, with focus on indoor space – reactor room was 3D scanned to obtain full geometry for As Build modelling...
Kartiranje infrastrukture – Hidroe
For utility and surface infrastructure different technologies were used (laser scanning, classical surveying, aerial photogammetry, ground penetrating radar and utilities locator. UAV product:...
Heritage Hall – Wall Mapping
3D laser scanning was used to capture hi-detailed geometry data for Wall Projection Mapping purposes. As projected surface 3D nurbs model was created....